Recent jobs are subject to confidential agreement restrictions.

Principal Lecturer for 10 head engineering team 2-day workshop
IBS Cordoba ARGENTINA - Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires - April 2008 to April 2008
Conducted a 2-day, end-to-end wastewater engineering workshop for a 10 head professional engineering

ASB Process/Equipment Consultant
LEDESMA ARGENTINA - San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy - March 2006 to December 2006
ASB Process/Equipment Consultant for 48,000 m3/d paper mill wastewater treatment plant involving the
purchase of 21 aerators 75 HP. Contract duties involved process review/recommendation and international
bid document writing in both English and Spanish.

Latin American Market Ranking

Environmental Consultant
Continental Grain PARAGUAY - Asunción - November 2001 to November 2001
Conducted onsite diagnostic and recommendations for a failing edible oil wastewater treatment plant. Duties
also included proffering a full day workshop for 15 people (bilingual audience handled on the spot), both local
and HQ personnel.

Procurement Engineer
Municipalidad Melchor Romero - Ing. Esteban Lyons - La Plata, Buenos Aires - August 2000 to
December 2000
Engineered international procurement of floating lateral aeration system for a small community.

Cooling Tower Design & Procurement
FLEISCHMANN BOLIVIANA CRUCEÑA - BOLIVIA - Santa Cruz, CA - June 2000 to October 2000
Design and manufacture/export of a small, custom-built, 2-cell industrial cooling tower system plus replacement
parts for redesigned existing 4-cell unit.

Environmental Engineer - Procurement
GLUTAL - ARGENTINA - Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires - May 1999 to October 1999
Procurement, media supply and technical assistance for a small (400 m3) aerobic biotower which achieved
96% COD removal.

Procurement Engineer
INGEFRIO PERU - Lima, Lima - July 1997 to December 1997
Outsourced a number of small cooling towers.
Cooling Tower Procurement/Field Supervision

SANCOR - ARGENTINA - Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires - November 1996 to November 1996
Procurement, supply and field assistance of small 3-cell cooling tower system, assembled onsite, totaling about
700 m3/h for an ammonia refrigeration system.

Systems Engineer
Siderurgica ARGENTINA - SOMISA (Steel Mill) - Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires - November 1991 to
February 1992
Member of a 2 head engineering team to conduct, onsite, capacity planning and recommendations for a
mainframe system comprising two IBM 9121/260, one IBM 9121/130 and 600 workstations. Contract duties
also included assessment and negotiation of usd 12 million contract with vendor,

Cooling Tower Design & Procurement
FLEISCHMANN ECUATORIANA - ECUADOR - Guayaquil, Provincia del Guayas - February 1991 to
August 1991
Design and manufacture/export of a small, custom-built, 2-cell industrial cooling tower system.
Advanced Placement










 International Marketing
U. of Maryland (Campbell;1998)

Marketing in a Digital World
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2016)

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